Saturday, July 28, 2012


Good Sunday morning! It is 12am and I am finally going to bed. I have made some changes to my blog. The first you will see is the name is different. It is now "OMG I Am 50! I also changed the font color to make it easier to read. I hope you like the changes. Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. thanks for stopping by..I have been in limbo..

    1. I hope all is well and that you are back to posting soon! I always enjoy your posts!!! All the best!

  2. Hi Lilly, Thanks for your comments on my blog. I made sure your new address is on my blog roll and that I am officially one of your followers! Can't wait to read your posts!

  3. Congratulations on your new look, very nice.
    While you're making changes, could Imake a suggestion? Have you considered turning off the Captcha? For some reason it is getting more and more difficult, sometimes I can't even read the numbers. Unless you're having issues with spam, you might not need it at all. Just a thought...
