Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Most Beautiful Poem!

This is my favorite poem. It takes my breath away everytime I read it! I think you will enjoy it too! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Tuesday!

Pray that your journey will be long,
full of many summer mornings
when with much pleasure and much joy
you anchor in harbors never seen before
Browse through Phoenician markets,
to purchase exquisite treasures-
mother-of-pearl and coral, ebony and amber
and sensual perfumes of all kinds-
as much as you desire.
Visit many Egyptian cities, content
to sit at the feet of sages, eager
and open to receive learning.
Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Your arrival there is your destiny.
But do not hurry the journey at all: be patient.
Better that it lasts for many years-
longer than you can even imagine.
So that finally, when you reach this
sacred isle, you will be a wise woman,
abundantly fulfilled by all you have gained along the way:
no longer expecting Ithaka to make you wealthy,
no longer needing Ithaka to make you rich.
Ithaka offered you the profound journey,
the chance to discover the woman you have always been
Without Ithaka as your inspiration, you
never would have set out in search of Wholeness.

And should you find her poor, Ithaka did not deceive you.
Authentic as you have become, full of wisdom,
beauty and grace, enriched and enlightened
by all you have experienced
you will finally understand what all life's Ithaka truly means.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach
(Adaptation of CP Cavafy’s classic for women)

Monday, July 30, 2012


Good morning! I was reading a friend's Facebook posting yesterday about her road trip with three close girlfriends. They all left their families behind, flew to a meeting point, rented a car and drove across beautiful points of interest in the south. Needless to say I went to bed very envious, happy for her, but envious for me ;-) We had lost close contact over the last few years, if we hadn't I hope she would have invited me too!

Well, it made me start thinking about friends - good female friends and how lucky we are to have them. I adore getting together with a good friend and laughing like girls, share concerns as Moms, share "nothing" complaints about our spouses, chat fashion, vacation spots, diet secrets and maybe even some good ol' gossip.

Girlfriend time is relaxing, refreshing and I usually go home feeling younger, happier and more appreciative of my wonderfully authentic family! When I write about girlfriend time I am not talking about the "one ups man" conversations. No, in fact, far from it. I am talking about time where you are open, honest and vulnerable. I believe that openness is lends itself to the good old "belly laugh" which is sometimes more productive than crying! Though a good cry is sometimes refreshing too!

I am meeting a girlfriend for lunch today and I am really looking forward to it. Do you have a close friend that you haven't made time for lately? Maybe give her a call today and set something up!  If not, it is never to late to make a new friend - potential friends are all around us!

Have a wonderful Monday and a wonderful week!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Good Sunday morning! It is 12am and I am finally going to bed. I have made some changes to my blog. The first you will see is the name is different. It is now "OMG I Am 50! I also changed the font color to make it easier to read. I hope you like the changes. Have a wonderful Sunday!

A Few Hours Alone!

"Baron" and daughter #1 have gone to the movie for the afternoon. Travel time and movie time combined they should be gone about 3.5 hours. What a nice surprise. A sibling is visiting my Mom today so I don't even have to think about her. I am so excited to have this "surprise" time alone! I did the usual Saturday routine - laundry, light cleaning etc but then it was all about me! Wondering what I did? I took "Berk" for a long walk, took a bubble bath, whitened my teeth, facial masque, read a chapter in a new book. It was wonderful - no tv, no music, no telephone, nothing but "thinking about what I want to do!" I even fixed a super healthy lunch for myself. I feel happy and relaxed - not one ounce of guilt! I think this time alone is something that we (Moms, wives, women) don't get enough of! I hope my family had a great few hours away and will do it again - sooner than later (smile)!

 Happy Saturday!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Favorite Five!

Good afternoon all! My usual Friday post, "A Few Of My Favorite Things" has been changed to "Friday's Favorite Five". I like this title better especially because it incorporates the day of the week it is posted. So, with no further "adieu", I present this week's post, "Friday's Favorite Five"!

The 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony - I can hardly wait to watch it!

Terra Vegetable Chips - my favorite, while eating healthy or not!

Pita Pizza - yummy and so few calories (if you make it that way!)

All summer long with these crazy temps I have been downing "Water with lemon and cucumber"

Bath and Body Works - Dancing Water PocketBac (anti-bacterial hand gel)
Good while on the run in this heat!

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy it!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I am now a member of Zumba. I went to my first class today and loved it! It reminded me of going out dancing with friends in the 80's - minus the Candies, hair and make-up. I attended with Daughter #1, who is in great shape, and we had a blast! The teacher was fantastic, the music made you want to move and the feeling of completing it is outstanding. It was good for my self esteem because before the class I would have said that I couldn't do a lot of the moves. But wow - I did them and I didn't really struggle! If you are looking for a new and exciting form of exercise than check out - Zumba! I think you will be glad you did!

Looks like more storms are headed our way and the temperature is well over 100. Stay cool and stay safe!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Creative Piece Of Mail!

In May, Daughter #1 graduated from a fine liberal arts college. She had taken the LSAT, scored well, but decided she wasn't interested in attending law school in the fall and perhaps, never! She continues to receive information from various law schools. She received an invitation to apply from a Texas law school yesterday. They totally "take the cake" as the most creative. Here it is -
The printed information tells you that if you plant the card in your garden than Blacked Eyed Susans will appear in one month. Neat right?! Well, you know of course I had to try it! I planted it in a space in the back flower bed.

I will let you know how it "grows"! I haven't seen anything like this before. I will anxiously await my new flowers! My husband, "Baron" is somewhat skeptical. I, however, am hoping for the best! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Trader Joe's Purchase!

Good Monday morning to you! I thought I would share my latest little purchase from Trader Joes. Isn't it just the cutest little orchid and it's real! Only $7!

Have a wonderful week!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sayings On Sunday!

I have enjoyed a wonderful "get-away" with my family this weekend! Thus, today's post -

Happy Sunday!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Prayers to Aurora, Co!

I will not be writing my usual post of "A Few Of My Favorite Things" this Friday. Instead I am dedicating this post to the victims and their families involved in the tragic and senseless attack in Aurora, Colorado last night. May God bless them and give them peace! I will never understand these senseless and evil attacks on innocent people. So very sad for those that were just going to view a new movie and found themselves involved in this horrific incident. My thoughts and prayers to them all!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The UPS Man Cometh!

I love what the UPS man delivers - Navy and Platinum Jack Rogers! A surprise present from my husband today! I love you "Baron"! Let's just say my feet are happy with the new addition to my wardrobe!
Nothing like a new pair of Jacks to make a girl smile!

Wisdom On Wednesday!


Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Big Help For Hands!

All of a sudden it seems as though my hands have just dried up. I don't know if it is the chlorine, frequent hand washes or "what"??? I just know that I needed help. I have done the sugar scrubs and paraffin wax treatments, but what has become a big help is - Crabtree and Evelyn's - Nantucket Briar Hand Therapy! Wow, what a difference it has made. I wish I had done a before and after picture. If you are looking for a light cream to help with dry hands this may be the answer. Give it I try, I did and I am really satisfied!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun Weekend!

Hi All! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. This weekend was kind of "silly". Saturday night, the three of us - husband, Daughter #1 and I , went out for a casual outdoor dinner. After dinner we wanted to do something "different". We thought about Putt-Putt, but it started raining so we went Bowling. We hadn't been bowling in years! The bowling alley wasn't very crowded and they played good music. We only played three games, but it was fun and each one of us one a game! Daughter #1 was a good sport! She is home after graduating from college and looking for a job - anywhere but here. Not many of her friends are in town this summer, so she is bored with a capital B! I thought of it as a good form of exercise too - throwing a weighted ball (smile).
Have a wonderful Monday!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Few Of My Favorite Things!

Today's blog post is dedicated to a few of my favorite quotes! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Ohhh I love this


Not perfect, yet the best ;)

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lilly Printed Cruiser Is Back!

Printed cruiser

The print is the Lilly Pink Chum Bucket. Isn't it adorable? This would be such a wonderful addition to your Lilly accessories. Can't you just imagine tooling around the neighborhood or riding it to the Farmer's Market with a wicker basket on the handle bars. Apparently the seat is skirt friendly so that isn't a problem  and the pedals are flip-flop friendly! Oh such summer fun! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wisdom On Wednesday!

Oh the joys of getting older and learning these simple lessons!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Little Rescued Dog!

As you can tell from my profile picture and periodic posts - I love our little dog, Berkley!

My Photo

He has been a member of our family for the last 10 years. I remember so well 10 years ago asking my secretary,"what time I should leave work so that I didn't get caught on the mess that is I-95" (Those of you that live around DC, know what I am referring too!) and thus the story began. I told her how I was on my way to buy a dog ($$$) for my daughter's Christmas present. She told me that was silly and went on to tell me about these adorable puppies that were free in Berkley Springs, WV. (Two of her sisters had just adopted two of the pups and she was getting one the next day). She showed me the pictures and they were even cuter than she said they were. I talked to the woman who had rescued the pups, along with their Mother from underneath a run down home. I drove to Berkley Springs, WV (1.5 hrs) and picked up the puppy the next day. The one I was going for jumped over the baby gate that the rescuer had in place, I thought -"oh no" and turned my attention to the quite one that for some reason was licking, yes licking, the electrical sockets. He came home with me and we ( my daughters and I) feel in love with him. He has really been a blessing to our family. Even since remarrying my husband loves him too. If you are considering a four-legged addition to your family - consider a rescued dog. There are websites where you can look at the dogs online. Most communities offer animal shelters, consider looking there. In some cases taking a rescued dog maybe the difference between life and death. I adopted a rescued dog and I am sure glad I did.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Neat Treat!

Recently, I hosted a neighborhood get together and this delicious treat was a big hit. There was no more standing around the dip or the fear of some double dipping! This creation alleviates it all.

Veggie cups - a much better idea than making people huddle around the dip

You simply put your dip ( in my case - fat free Ranch dressing) in the bottom of small clear acrylic cups and arrange the celery, carrots, peppers in the cup. This was obviously one of the last things that I prepared on the day of the party. It was truly a big hit with the crowd!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

SASSY Water!

I put the book - "Flat Belly Diet" on my list of favorites yesterday. The diet includes this drink that is supposed to help alleviate belly bloat. Here is the recipe. Let me know if you try it!

The Sassy Water Recipe

On the Flat Belly Diet you'll begin with a 4-day jump start, and one key ingredient is Sassy Water

Sassy Water

2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium lemon, thinly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves.
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.
Drink the entire pitcher by the end of each day.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Few Of My Favorite Things!

1. Latest Diet Fad - "Flat Belly Diet" Book!

2. Work Out Clothes - Athleta

3. Breakfast Bar - Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars

4. Outdoor furniture - Serena and Lilly Soleil Sling Chair

5. Sea Bags Beach Totes at http://www.seabags.com/


Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Best Sangria Mix!

I have a wonderful recipe for Sangria, but it takes some time to prepare. We had company drop by and so I tried this Sangria mix that I bought at GFS on a lark. It is Daily's Sangria Mix. Add one bottle of the mix to one bottle of sparkling white wine and add fruit (if desired). I emptied a bag of frozen/sweetened fruit to the mix and voila, everyone loved it. When you are in a hurry to serve something delicious - try it!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Thanks to all the brave soldiers who have served in all the wars/conflicts so that we maintain our freedom!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lip Treatment SPF36

Now that summer is here and the heat from the sun is a beast we need to protect our lips! I have found great success with Shiseido Sun Protection Lip Treatment - SPF 36. It really provides wonderful protection!

Keep cool and Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Aftermath!!!

Well, storms were overwhelming this weekend. Starting with Friday - trees were down everywhere and no electricity in the city. We live just outside the city and maintained power, but my Mom (88) lost power so we moved her in with us. The last few days have just been about clean up and thankfulness that the storm wasn't any worse. In our community there was lots of damage, but no fatalities, thank God! Some family still came together for the planned reunion. We cleaned Moms yard and enjoyed "light" picnic fare afterwards. My great nephews were there (ages 3 and5) and oh the joy that children bring. They were so happy to play with squirt guns, ice cubes and water bottles. They took turns cooling everyone off! I hope you all are surviving these storms and these high temps! Stay Cool and Happy Monday!

ps- My posts may be sporatic this week as I will be entertaining my Mom ;-)