I am so thrilled. I was nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Katrina at www.ActingMy(Vint)Age.blogspot.com. This was such an incredibly sweet and thoughtful gesture! I am so pleased to know that she likes my blog because I really enjoy her blog too! (Check it out). Thank you Katrina!
The origin of the Liebster Award is rather mysterious (meaning I could not find out who came up with the idea or gave out the first one), but liebster is a German word meaning "favorite." The award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers
I would like to pass this fantastic award on to my top 3 favorite blogs with under 200 members!
1. I really enjoy Katrina's blog - Acting My (Vint)Age. She is such an incredible seamstress and shares her talent with her readers. She is remarkable! She shares post on sewing, cooking, her doggie, cleaning - such a variety of topics!
2.Also there is NTidwell Test Kitchen (ntidwelltestkitchen.blogspot.com). She shares wonderful recipes and cooking ideas. She has been busy lately, but when she comes back to her blog I know we will all enjoy her new cooking ideas!
3. There is the incredible Hillbilly Debutante blog ( just a smidgen above 200 members). Kathie is a talented author in Metro DC. She shares so many ideas. I love her signature red cowboy boots. Read about her exciting times in Northern Virginia!
I am so exciting about winning and I am am so excited to continue blogging! Thanks for sharing in my blog!
All the Best!
thanks for the shoutout! I like your blog a lot too - congrats on the award nomination!