Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wisdom On Wednesdays!

First off, Happy Summer Solstice. Summer is finally here and not a moment too soon. The temperature here today is 95* which is high for us this early in the season! Below is the thought for today -

Pinned Image

Happy Wednesday and Happy Summer Solstice!


  1. Loved this. Oh Lilly by the way you said that you were following me but I didn't see you on my followers. Thank you for wanting to follow as it is hard to get bloggers to follow and thank you for popping over to my blog and visiting.

    1. Hi Anne! Thanks for stopping by today. I checked your blog and it shows me that I am a follower. It wouldn't let me join again. Weird. This same thing happened with my sister joining my blog. Finally after a couple of days it showed up. Sorry for the confusion!

  2. love this quote - i have seen it somewhere before and was looking for it for something else so i will borrow yours!!

    1. So glad you liked it! I try to post good quotes on Wednesdays and Sundays! Thanks for stopping by!
