I love my friends! The old ones, the new ones, the ones I have met through blogging and the ones I have yet to meet. Thanks for the wonderful friendships we share! Let's all set out to make a new friend today! Happy Wednesday!
OMG - I am 50 is about my preppy journey into my next decade. I can't believe that I have left my 40's, when I still feel 25 inside. Experience the daily joys, laughter and tears as I face teenagers, college students, second husbands, friendships, aging parents, changing careers, body changes, empty nest and so much more. Join me on my journey - "OMG - I am 50" - heck it is better than the alternative ;-)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wisdom on Wednesdays!
I love my friends! The old ones, the new ones, the ones I have met through blogging and the ones I have yet to meet. Thanks for the wonderful friendships we share! Let's all set out to make a new friend today! Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Possible Wreath Project?
House Number Wreath -

I think this is so cute. I might try to make it. I fear that if I do, it will look "cheese -whiz-y". It wouldn't be a big $$ investment, so it's worth the risk....I think ;-)
What do you think about this wreath?

I think this is so cute. I might try to make it. I fear that if I do, it will look "cheese -whiz-y". It wouldn't be a big $$ investment, so it's worth the risk....I think ;-)
What do you think about this wreath?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Prayers For Chardon High School Community
Again, today, a student strikes out with gun violence at school. My heart breaks for the parents who sent their child to school today and now their child will not be coming home. My heart breaks for the parents who sent their children to school and now their children are severely injured in the hospital. My heart breaks for the children who went to school today and lost their innocence. Why does this continue to happen and when will it ever end. My office is in a high school building. I look at those kids and they are so young, yet so full of promise. What makes a kid turn so far off track that they commit this kind of heinous act? I don't understand. I don't think I want to understand. Let's all hug our kids tonight and tell them that we love them. My two are away at college....but you can bet I am going to call them and let them know how very much I love them. So quickly things can change. My prayers to the students, their families and the Chardon community. God bless you all!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sayings On Sunday!
Isn't this the truth! You make plans and then God shows you how things are really going to happen! I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Happy Sunday!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Heart Touching Gift
Recently I worked on a committee for a community event. (You might have read my rumblings in a previous post about the lead on the project - let's just say she dropped the ball.) So, apparently "others" noticed that I had picked up the pieces and helped pull it off without any attendees ever knowing! How incredibly sweet that they honored me with a beautiful spring floral arrangement. It brought tears to my eyes. Once again lesson learned - "When you do good deeds, good things come back to you". I was touched - look at the flowers - wouldn't you be touched too?
Friday, February 24, 2012
Kitchen Toy Addition
I found this Kuhn Rikon Piranha Peeler today at Sur La Table - bought it and love it! It fits in so well with my other Kuhn Rikon Kitchen Toys!

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!
A Few Of My Favorite Things!
Favorite Time of Year - Springtime! So happy it is just around the corner!

Favorite Magazine - MORE Magazine

Favorite Ice Cream - Ben & Jerry's "Cherry Garcia"

Favorite Flower For Centerpieces - Hydrangeas

Favorite Refreshing Diet Drink - Club Soda With a Splash of Grenadine
Favorite Magazine - MORE Magazine
Favorite Ice Cream - Ben & Jerry's "Cherry Garcia"
Favorite Flower For Centerpieces - Hydrangeas
Favorite Refreshing Diet Drink - Club Soda With a Splash of Grenadine
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fun New Activity!
If you haven't tried it and you have an interest in your family history, you have to check it out. I have joined and it is absolutely addicting. Every time there is additional information about your family a new leaf grows on the tree. It is so exciting. I have been able to go all the way back to England 1200AD. Absolutely fascinating. If you are looking for a new hobby, try it!
Enjoy your Thursday.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wisdom On Wednesdays!
This is so true! A good laugh makes me feel refreshed! Clearly, nothing makes a person feel better than the feelings of love!
Happy Wednesday - Enjoy it!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Tuesday's Work Out
My Pilates instructor is in her second week of a three week vacation in the Caribbean. Lucky her! I am trying to fill in with other activities, so she doesn't work me to death when she returns. Here is today's workout!

This will be good to work out stress as well. I am working on a community event and one of our team members has done NOTHING that she is supposed to have taken care of! Ugh - so frustrating! Group dynamics are just fascinating. There is always one person that drops the ball. Can't wait for our debriefing meeting after the event is over! Thanks for letting me vent ;-) Happy Tuesday!
This will be good to work out stress as well. I am working on a community event and one of our team members has done NOTHING that she is supposed to have taken care of! Ugh - so frustrating! Group dynamics are just fascinating. There is always one person that drops the ball. Can't wait for our debriefing meeting after the event is over! Thanks for letting me vent ;-) Happy Tuesday!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday Monday...lala...
Nothing like a new day to start a new week. Make it a good one! Enjoy your Monday!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Lessons of Friendship
Daughter #2 is a freshman in college. She called me tonight and was so sad. She learned a lesson that unfortunately so many of us have learned. She learned that some friends that she thought were friends were not true friends at all. We had many talks about meeting new people when you are out in the world away from family and familiarity. I think she really didn't realize until this weekend that everyone you meet in life is not looking out for your best interests. I think she thought everybody was going to be kind hearted and well meaning. I think we can teach our kids that everyone in the world is not going to be your friend, but until they are out there on their own two feet they don't grasp the concept. I don't understand why as women we are not better to each other. Why we don't cherish our female friendships. So often we are our own worst enemies. There is jealousy, "one ups-manship", back biting and for what. Those things don't help you win the boy, the promotion, the house - whatever it is that you think someone else is in the way of. Shame on us. I told my daughter that for every mean girl, she will meet a wonderful girl. Just don't be jaded, stay open to making new friends. I know that is what I have done for the last 50 years. I guess the mystery of the "mean girl" is never ending! What a shame!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
CONGRATULATIONS Lilly Pen Giveaway Winner!
Congratulations to Nicole T. She is the winner of the Lilly Pulitzer Ink Pen Giveaway.

Congrats Nicole, I hope you enjoy many happy hours of writing with Lilly! Thanks to everyone that entered. Keep checking back as more Lilly giveaways will be coming! Happy Saturday!
Congrats Nicole, I hope you enjoy many happy hours of writing with Lilly! Thanks to everyone that entered. Keep checking back as more Lilly giveaways will be coming! Happy Saturday!
Friday, February 17, 2012
A Few Of My Favorite Things!
Favorite Florida Resort - La Playa Resort in Naples, Florida

Favorite Sport - Tennis

Favorite Christmas Gift From "Baron"

Favorite "Guilty Pleasure" - Nachos and Margaritas

Favorite Nail Polish - OPI "Strawberry Margarita"

Happy Friday! Don't forget to sign up for the Lilly Giveaway - it ends today at 5pm!
Favorite Sport - Tennis
Favorite Christmas Gift From "Baron"
Favorite "Guilty Pleasure" - Nachos and Margaritas
Favorite Nail Polish - OPI "Strawberry Margarita"
Happy Friday! Don't forget to sign up for the Lilly Giveaway - it ends today at 5pm!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Not So Great Day?
This made me feel better on a "not so great" day, so I thought I would share it in case anyone else wasn't having a good day too! Chins Up!
Spa Day!
My little man, "Berk" enjoyed a day at the spa yesterday. He received quite a hair cut. My husband dropped him off and I am not sure what instructions he gave the groomer, soooooooo.....here it is

He is somewhat shy after getting a haircut. I don't know if that means that he doesn't like it or if he is just modest. Heck, he got the works - so he might have just been exhausted. I think he is just adorable (even with the "spooky" eyes in this pic). Tell me about your pets.
Happy Thursday and don't forget the Lilly Pulitzer Giveaway ends tomorrow!
He is somewhat shy after getting a haircut. I don't know if that means that he doesn't like it or if he is just modest. Heck, he got the works - so he might have just been exhausted. I think he is just adorable (even with the "spooky" eyes in this pic). Tell me about your pets.
Happy Thursday and don't forget the Lilly Pulitzer Giveaway ends tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wisdom on Wednesday!
This is soooooooooo true!

Happy Wednesday!
Don't forget the Lilly Giveaway ends Friday - so sign up today!
Happy Wednesday!
Don't forget the Lilly Giveaway ends Friday - so sign up today!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Valentine's Day! My celebration started last week with a box of candy from Daughter#1 when we visited her. Today started with a beautiful Valentine's email from Daughter#2 that she sent at 3:35am today. I know my Hubby has some special plans, so I look forward to that as well. I hope they all enjoy their Valentine special surprises too! May your day be filled with LOVE! If there isn't a romantic someone special in your life today - never fear, they may be "right around the corner"! Enjoy your day and celebrate "yourself"! In the lyrics of Whitney Houston - "Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all!"
PS - Don't forget to sign up for the Lilly Giveaway! It ends soon!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Off The Shelf
Yesterday, during the deep freeze, I pulled an old book off the shelf. It was "Feng Shui Revealed". I enjoyed reading it again. When I initially purchased this book, I had just visited a friend in NYC. Her small apartment was so comfortable, to the point of spa-like relaxing. I mentioned that to her and she told me she practiced the principles of Feng Shui when decorating. I was somewhat resistant to the idea, but I bought the book for the flight home. I used some of the principles in my living room and there was a remarkable difference. Since moving to the Midwest I have not even thought about it. Until, I found the book yesterday. I am going to read it again and add a few essentials to give my home here an extra touch of relaxation. Have you tried incorporating any Feng Shui essentials in your decorating? Pictured below is the book I use! On a sad note - RIP Whitney Houston. Thank you for the endless hours of muscial entertainment! God Bless You and your daughter!

PS - Don't forget to sign up for the Lilly Giveaway - it is ending soon!
PS - Don't forget to sign up for the Lilly Giveaway - it is ending soon!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sayings On Sunday!
Here is today's saying.....and don't forget to sign up for my Lilly Pulitzer Giveaway - it ends soon!!!

Happy Sunday! Enjoy!
Happy Sunday! Enjoy!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Finally a NEW Hairbrush
I have been looking and looking for a new hairbrush. After much searching and recommendations from my hair stylist I found it -

The Mason Pearson Mixed Bristle Brush. I have long, thick hair and WOW...it really does the trick.
If you are in the market for a new brush, this one is worth checking out. Enjoy your Saturday!!!
The Mason Pearson Mixed Bristle Brush. I have long, thick hair and WOW...it really does the trick.
If you are in the market for a new brush, this one is worth checking out. Enjoy your Saturday!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Happy Friday - Enjoy Your Weekend!
Looks like we are finally in for more snow. I will be reading my current book, "Maine". What are you doing this weekend? Enjoy it! Below I posted some incredibly sound advise! Don't you agree?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Valentine's Day Projects???
Well Valentine's Day is now five days away! I don't have a special project to prepare, do you? This is an adorable idea from Pinterest!

Does anyone have any special suggestions? Please do share!!!
Happy Thursday - we made it over the "hump"!!!
Does anyone have any special suggestions? Please do share!!!
Happy Thursday - we made it over the "hump"!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Lilly Pulitzer Give Away!!!
Add a touch of Lilly to everything you write with a Lilly Ink Pen! I am hosting a Lilly Pulitzer Ink Pen giveaway. The winner will receive an adorable Lilly ink pen -
The giveaway ends on Friday, February 17th, at 5pm est and is only open to U.S. residents. There are two ways to enter:
1. One entry....leave a comment and you must be a follower.
2. For an additional entry = 2 entries...post about this giveaway on your blog.
Each entry must be in a seperate comment. If you don't have a blog make sure to leave your email address in your comment.
Good Luck!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Pink Swap
I joined in the "Pink Swap" that was hosted by Monograms and Manicures. My swap partner was The Denault Family blog. I received such cute pink presents. Check it out below! Thanks Crispin, that was lots of fun! I really enjoyed preparing her pink presents too.
Afternoon Treat!
I am so excited. As you have read in my profile I LOVE Hot Stone Massages. This afternoon I am indulging! Can't wait for the inevitable relaxation that is sure to follow! If you haven't tried it - try it!
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, February 6, 2012
All The Single Ladies!
I found this tonight on Pinterest and had to share it with my single girls. Read it, I think you will know why! I think it's true or at least it seems to be!
My New Lunch Buddy!
I am forever trying to find a quick, warm and low calorie food that I can enjoy for lunch. Well, I have a made a new discovery that will help with all three quests. It is Lean Pockets - Pepperoni Pizza with the garlic crust. Delicious! If you haven't tried it - try it. Again, either I was really hungry or it was really good.

Granted, I did add 10 calories (2 cinnamon Altoids) afterwards to ward off any hint of the garlic ;-)
Happy Monday!
Granted, I did add 10 calories (2 cinnamon Altoids) afterwards to ward off any hint of the garlic ;-)
Happy Monday!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
End Of A Fun Day!
What a fun day we had together! Daughter #1's team won and my husband was a good sport. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at a little local restaurant. After dinner we started for home and thank goodness the weather cooperated. Ah, the end of a perfect day! Don't you love this picture - I wonder where it was taken!
Saturday Full Of Preppy Basketball
Today, we are traveling to watch my husband's (undergrad) alma mater play my daughter #1's college basketball team. This is the fourth and probably last time we will enjoy this adventure since daughter #1 is a senior. At any rate I will sit between them and wish both teams "good luck". May the best team win! Enjoy your day!
Friday, February 3, 2012
A Few Of My Favorite Things!
Favorite Fragrance-
Bulgari - Au The' Blanc
My Favorite Movie
Favorite Carry-All
LL Bean Tote
Favorite Scenery -
Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains
Favorite Winery
Tarara Winery in Loudoun County, Va
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Diet Find!!!
I don't know how many of you had losing weight as one of your resolutions, but it certainly is on my list! I am always looking for a tasty low cal chocolate treat. Well, today I was starving for chocolate and I spread out 1 tble of Nutella onto 6 triskets and WOW - a delicious little treat. They were only 220 calories for all 6 treats. Most importantly, it calmed my chocolate craving before I made a bad decision. If you have some other suggestions - please do share them!!!

Watching Our Kids Grow!
In today's mail I received information on my daughter #1's graduation from college. I read the information and cried. I am so thrilled for her. She worked hard in high school and was accepted to the "selective" college of her choice. She is finishing in four years and has done everything just the way she was supposed too. Now she will graduate, hopefully find a job, get an apartment, make new friends and just enjoy all the things this next chapter will bring her. How the time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were picking out the right elementary school for her. Motherhood is such a blessing and certainly not a job to take lightly. I remember meeting a very old woman when my oldest was just a baby in my arms and she gave me some advise - "cultivate your children carefully, so that you can be proud of your harvest". I did and I am! Raising both of my girls has been a pleasure and a joy. Even the days I was pulling my hair out raising them, I would do it all again and again and again!
I really appreciate this quote:
"When you have brought up kids, there are memories you store directly in your tear ducts." ~Robert Brault,
I really appreciate this quote:
"When you have brought up kids, there are memories you store directly in your tear ducts." ~Robert Brault,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wisdom on Wednesday!
Who doesn't appreciate new words of wisdom every now and again? Here is an inspiring quote for today!
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