The weather today is incredible. The high is 56 and it is the last day of January. I am hopeful that Baron and I can drive (the new SUV) to the lake for an early dinner. Doesn't it seem like the perfect day for such an adventure?
OMG - I am 50 is about my preppy journey into my next decade. I can't believe that I have left my 40's, when I still feel 25 inside. Experience the daily joys, laughter and tears as I face teenagers, college students, second husbands, friendships, aging parents, changing careers, body changes, empty nest and so much more. Join me on my journey - "OMG - I am 50" - heck it is better than the alternative ;-)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wonderful Weather Today
The weather today is incredible. The high is 56 and it is the last day of January. I am hopeful that Baron and I can drive (the new SUV) to the lake for an early dinner. Doesn't it seem like the perfect day for such an adventure?
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I Finally Found The Perfect Flat Iron

If you need a new or improved flat iron - The ghd is the way to go!
I love it, love it, love it! I have long hair (mid-back). It is thick and curly. This manages to make my hair straight and silky! I love it and you will too. It is worth the $$$$
Breakfast with Baron
I enjoyed a delightful breakfast out with my husband this morning. I love Eggs Benedict!
The rest of the day will be filled with our regular saturday activites and a fun evening planned with our good friends! Enjoy your day!
Friday, January 27, 2012
A Few of My Favorite Things
My Favorite Skincare product-
Image Skincare -Vital C - It is a daily hydrating product line for sensitive skin. Soothes skin irritation and nourishes tired and dry, dull looking skin. High in anti-oxidants for ultimate protection and nutrition.
My Favorite Island -
Turks and Caicos
(followed closely by St. Barts)
My Favorite Cardigan
Caroline by Lilly!
Favorite Lunch Date -
My Daughter #1
Thanks for a terrific day!
My Favorite Flower
Pink Tulips
Can't wait for them to return!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Love It - Must Have It!!!
Lilly's Joy Tunic is now a DRESS. I love it! Don't you?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sweets For Valentine's Day
Brownie Heart Cupcakes by Martha Stewart
I am going to transform chocolate brownies into decadent cupcakes for a Valentine's Day treat. My "Baron" loves his chocolate. I can just imagine his smile when he bites into a chocolate cupcake with a brownie heart on top! Perfect combination of yummy and easy! I might even have to try one too!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Today - 1/24/12 is National Compliment Day!
"Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are. That is the difference between the two sexes."
Who doesn't welcome a sincere compliment? In honor of National Compliment Day let's pay a compliment "forward". Enjoy the warmth you will receive back!
Monday, January 23, 2012
If I Could Have A Talk With My "Younger" Self.....
I would say, "relax already"! You don't have to be perfect and quite frankly you don't always have to be so nice! Speak your mind more often - your opinion is valid. Yes, your "Prince" is coming - he isn't who you think he is...but he is on his way to you right now! It is okay to do "your own thing and follow your own dreams" - you aren't your parents or siblings - follow your own path and enjoy it. Travel and see the world. Don't take love or loved ones for granted - things can change so quickly! Your divorce isn't going to be the end of you...keep your head up and smile! Yes, the song, "Smile" will mean a lot to you through the years - in fact it becomes your theme song. Motherhood is everything you hope it will be and so much more. You always said, "Life isn't a dress rehearsal". You were right - it is not. It is your life and it goes by so fast. Enjoy EVERY day! If you could, what would you say to your "younger" self?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Kitchen Toys
Today I used the new knives I received for Christmas from my Goddaughter. They are Kuhn Rikon knives.
I am excited to use them again. Maybe they will encourage me to keep cooking, even with my empty nest!
Have you tried them?
I am excited to use them again. Maybe they will encourage me to keep cooking, even with my empty nest!
Have you tried them?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
"Ohhhhh.....The Weather Outside Is Frightful!"
I love the snow! It is hard to believe that this is our first snowfall of any substance.
Baron enjoyed using his new snowblower and Berk hopped around like a bunny the same as last year! Today is a great day to have some hot cocoa and read a good book. I am just starting to read, "Maine". What will you do on this snowy day?
Friday, January 20, 2012
A Few Of My Favorite Things....
Yummy - Starbucks Frappacino Cupcakes
The latest book I am reading
Favorite Shoes - time to shop for more!
Favorite Place to visit - Prague!
Favorite American Icon!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Snow Is Here!
It is snowing so beautifully right now. This is the light fluffy kind of snow. I have an appointment with my esthetician or I would stay in the house this afternoon. The weatherman predicts that more will be arriving through the weekend. Baron will be thrilled as he recently fired the snow removal guy and bought a huge snow blower with a head light and heated hand grips. He was like a kid at Christmas picking it out. He has already had it on, but now he can really get to work! Kids have called saying, "oh it is freezing walking across campus". I wish I could have some hot chocolate and fresh baked cookies ready when they return to their dorms. Oh, it is better that I don't. I don't want to be a "helicopter" parent (smile), not to mention they are hundreds of miles away. I don't think Berk is so excited about the snow. He hops around like a little rabbit and runs in the house as soon as he is finished. Winter is finally here and I am excited! How do you feel about the snow?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Perfect Lunch
Have you tried Panera's Thai Chopped Chicken Salad? I tried it today for lunch! Delicious. If you haven't tried it, you must put it on your "to do list".
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Pilates - My Latest Adventure....loving it!!!
Pilates provides me with a wonderful way to work off stress and to do something good for myself. We so often take care of everybody else and think about ourselves last. I think we can take care of ourselves, while helping others. It helps us to do a better job with all of our "other" responsibilities! What did you do for yourself today?
Monday, January 16, 2012
I Need To Get To The Ocean!!!!!!
A gray day in Ohio. I am thinking I need to get to the ocean, to sunshine and a sailboat! Anybody want to come along?
Sunday, January 15, 2012
New Year and New Beginnings
I find it hard to believe that it the middle of January, 2012. My last child went back to college today, so we once again have an empty nest. I miss the girls terribly - but it is ok - this is the way things are naturally suppose to be. You raise them, love them without condition and give them a strong foundation. It reminds me of when they are learning to walk - there are wobbles, spills and holding on to the table leg for dear life. It's the same thing only now the steps are bigger as are the falls. It is so special to watch them bloom into the young woman they are suppose to be. I have two girls - different as night and day - yet similar in a very special way. They will still hover around in the kitchen or lay on my bed to watch tv with me. They are mine and I love them assiduously.
At least this time I am prepared. I have pilates on Wednesdays and zumba on Mondays - mediation on Tuesday nights and of course - there is always TJ Maxx to entertain me. This time I also have better friendships to enjoy and the most wonderful husband anyone could ask for. I am planning vacations and I feel like I will be just fine this time. Just fine ;-)
At least this time I am prepared. I have pilates on Wednesdays and zumba on Mondays - mediation on Tuesday nights and of course - there is always TJ Maxx to entertain me. This time I also have better friendships to enjoy and the most wonderful husband anyone could ask for. I am planning vacations and I feel like I will be just fine this time. Just fine ;-)
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